Therapy/Coaching and Support During or Following Separation or Divorce
Sometimes people come to therapy to determine if they should stay together. Often one person may be leaning out while it pulls the other to lean in and fight for the relationship. Or one person has already left the relationship and needs support in leaving. This can be a challenging experience for all. Once a decision is made to separate or divorce, navigating separation and endings and recreating a relationship (possibly based on the need for coparenting or other factors) can be challenging. Regardless of the circumstances, endings and transitions in relationships can include a complexity of feelings, thoughts, and processes including assessing and getting perspective on the relationship, managing feelings, negotiating separation agreements, division of assets, coparenting, and more. Divorce coaching and/or therapy can be an important resource to help you navigate it in a healthy, optimal way, while navigating a significant loss. Discernment Counseling is an option that can help partners get clarity about their commitment and willingness to work on the relationship. Through the process of assessming needs, values, and what’s important to you at this stage in your life and relationship, discernment counseling can help people get clearer on the question of “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”.
Through seeking mutual understanding, I help find win-win solutions for couples choosing to work together to find amicable, best for everyone outcomes that serve the needs of each person and the extended families.
Trained by the Center for Understanding in Conflict, I work to find what’s important and meaningful for each party and help them work through their conflict together. This model involves bringing people together and assume the responsibility for dealing with their conflict. Through this process, results reached are often much more satisfying and rewarding and there’s a greater sense of ownership and buy-in.
Divorce Coaching and Retreats
Divorce coaching, retreats and support through the Collaborative Practice model helps separating and divorcing couples navigate the intense emotions of endings, attachment separation, getting out of blame/victim cycles and use your experience to learn and grow into the next chapter. Using powerful strengths-based programs can help people learn from their relationship, heal and create the what’s next after separation/divorce while minimizing collateral damage. Divorce Programs and Retreats inclue a 21-day Online Coaching Program and an individualized Haven 7-day Retreat for those wanting to drop in over a short amount of time. For more information, click here. Collaborative Practice teams help divorcing couples by providing mental health and attorney professionals for each couple and one financial person that work together to help couples make the important decisions regarding custody, assets, and other important issues rather than a judge. This model helps couples who want more control over their future and prevent litigation. Call to discuss your situation and whether Collaborative Practice is right for you.
CoParenting coaching to help develop solution oriented coparenting plans can help minimize the impact on children and support the best transition for them as possible after the loss and grief of separation. Support during this time, especially for high conflict couples or situations that involve betrayal or hurt, can help manage feelings, identify needs, and navigate the delicate task of coparenting. Paths to Wellness provides care and support through all phases of discernment and separation.
Resilient people become stronger, cultivate more wisdom by learning from the past, and are able to move forward more quickly.